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When considering your future career pathway it is important that you consider: what are my skills and how can I use them?

Why is this important? 

  • Before you can start to apply for an apprenticeship or employment you must be sure of what you have to offer an employer.
  • When considering options such as sixth form, college or university you will be required to show these skills on an application form, personal statement or when you attend an interview.
  • You also need to be aware of your skills when deciding on your career as by matching these you will be able to see the route that is best for you and start making decisions.

Where do I start?


It is important to be positive about yourself and what you can offer an employer or educational establishment. Otherwise how can they be positive about you and be sure of your ability to either do a job well or your commitment to study.

Often we can think of what we are unable to offer (the negatives of our experience and knowledge) which is only human nature and maybe we are not always encouraged to speak about the things we are good at. However, it is important that you start to think about this and this section will help you to start focusing on your positive skills and abilities.

By focusing on your good points this will increase and build up your self-confidence and self-esteem and also your enthusiasm for work or study.

Being Positive

Increases Confidence

Projects Good Self Image

Builds Self-Confidence

Develops Enthusiasm

Leads to Success 

How do I know what my skills and qualities are?

It is important that YOU know what you are good at and what your skills and experiences are.  When you are sure about these, then you will know what you have to offer future employers. These are known as your transferable skills and qualities.

Everyone has something to offer and you will probably find that your skills and qualities are different from your friends. The work place is a combination of different people with different skills and qualities.

Sometimes it can be difficult to express these points. The following information will help you to assess your skills, interests and abilities.  But before this, try to answer the following questions:-

  • What subject/activities do I like? (subjects, interests, experiences of work)
  • What am I good at? (subjects, interests, experiences of work)
  • What do I like about myself (skills, qualities, abilities)
  • What do I think other people like about me?

Maybe ask your family and friends what they like about you!  Is it the same as your answer!

Are you now starting to identify some of your transferable skills and qualities?

Below, you will find some useful exercises which will help you explore your skills and qualities and will be useful when starting to build your CV. There are also some fun quizzes too!